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Background check

When you decide to offer a candidate a job and they accept it, you believe they’ve been telling you the whole truth and nothing but the truth. However, it’s always smart to double check.

Build and initiate

After your candidate signs and returns their offer letter, you’ll want to initiate the background check process.

Every company’s background check will look for different items. Depending on your industry and your new hire’s role, you’ll want to identify the things their background check should determine.

Do you require a master’s degree, or have no degree requirement? Do you require a professional license for specific roles? Background checks can verify whether or not your candidate has what you’re looking for (and what they tell you they have).

Screening tools

A background check tool like Checkr can automatically screen for: 

It’s not necessary to purchase a package from a background check tool that can screen all of these things. Again, it depends on your industry and your new hire’s role. But it’s always good to know what’s at your disposal, so you can build the background check that’s right for your company.

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