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Manager follow-up reminder

You know who’s probably just as excited as your new hire about their first day? Their hiring manager. 

We’ve spent most of this guide talking about what People teams can do to get their new hires ready for their first day and beyond. But hiring managers could use some support, too. Especially before one of the most important days of onboarding – their new hire’s first day. 

Below, we’ll show you what information to include in a reminder email to the hiring manager that’s sent the day before their new hire officially starts - and an example that you can model your own email after.

When and where to greet their new hire

There’s nothing worse than showing up to the office with no one to let you inside or logging onto your first call and having to awkwardly sit for three minutes in the waiting room. 

Make sure the hiring managers are there to greet your new hires – whether that’s in person or virtually – by letting them know the time and place they need to show up. 

Their new hire’s first day schedule

Remind your hiring managers to review the schedule you worked on with them (and attach it to the reminder). They’ll want to support their new hire throughout the day, so knowing their new hire’s schedule and preparing for any meetings they have with them sets them up for a great first day. 

Their new hire’s onboarding buddy and mentor

If your hiring manager needs any additional support with their new hire, they can tap their onboarding buddy or mentor. They can also remind them to introduce themselves to their new hire on their first day.   

Bio/fun facts about their new hire

New hires want to feel like their hiring managers know them at a basic level, especially since they’ve already interviewed with them and have filled out a survey about themselves. This is crucial for building rapport and making your new hire feel like their hiring manager takes a genuine interest in them and cares about them as people. 

Example email

Here’s an example email that you can model your own email after!

“Hey [Preferred First Name]!

The time has come! [New Hire’s First Name] starts tomorrow! I know this can be just as nervewracking as it is exciting, so here are some important reminders that can help things go as smooth as possible tomorrow. 

[New Hire’s First Name] will start their day by logging onto a welcome chat with you at 9 AM. Then the rest of their day will look like this:

  • Welcome chat/breakfast: 9:00 AM 
  • Get acquainted with tools: 10:00 AM 
  • Chat with manager about team structure/strategy: 11:00 AM 
  • Welcome lunch: 12:00 PM 
  • Company culture overview: 1:00 PM 
  • Benefits/I-9 overview: 2:00 PM Break: 2:30 PM 
  • High-level product and industry overview: 3:00 PM 
  • Break: 4:00 PM 
  • End of day check-in: 4:30 PM

Their onboarding buddy is [Onboarding Buddy’s Name] and their mentor is [Mentor’s Name]. Feel free to ping them if you need any help from them. And don’t forget to remind them to welcome [New Hire’s First Name] to the company!

Last but definitely not least, here’s [New Hire’s First Name]’s bio and some fun facts about them:

  • [New Hire’s First Name] is from St. Louis, MO and currently lives in Los Angeles, CA 
  • They studied economics at UCLA
  • In their free time, they love to surf, hang out with friends on the beach, and play guitar

Good luck tomorrow! You got this!” |

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